Search Results for "awesome MC Story"


My New Boyfriend - PDF

My New Boyfriend
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Ronaldo)

Marcy is a statuesque, muscle-packed high school girl, who uses her unreal strength (along with some martial arts mastery) to make sure bullying boys get put in their place! Brian is one such boy, a massive man, who is swiftly humbled by the Amazonian Marcy (along with his bitchy cheerleading girlfriend), who then claims him as her new boyfriend - whether he likes it or not! Incredible illustrations here by Ronaldo, on this awesome MC Story!

Marcy statuesque muscle-packed high school girl unreal strength martial arts mastery bullying boys put in their place Brian massive man swiftly humbled Amazonian Marcy bitchy cheerleading girlfriend claims new boyfriend incredible illustrations Ronaldo awesome MC Story

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